Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Coming to Greenville 1960's

Once upon a childhood, Greenville favored. Smaller towns routed through and viewed, shortcuts from bases regional to homes and hearths of extended family, the journey in sweet anticipation serenaded by daddy's tenor, mama's alto, and coming of age sibling harmony. Dawn commencement fragranced by the fresh linen smell of pillows cleanly cased, with perfumed toiletry and makeup cases lastly placed. Onward pilgrims pioneering joy, the happiest couple before us, still solid ground behind, below.Really scary bathrooms in real service stations a dread but NEHI drinks from an outdoor icebox and confections a comforting prospect at the country store, a timely soothe accompanied by the creaking cadence of foosteps across the old-time wooden floors; jarred by "djah fine sumpin ya lack dahlin'" and an even more awakening, loving hard pat on the face from that midland Carolina accented protector.Kip Powell

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