Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Edi Turner's Memories

When I was 14, Corelle (the dinnerware) was invented. In 1971, our family returned to Greenville for 3 months so that Daddy could sell Granddaddy Turner's livestock (Granddaddy had broken his leg and was going to have to give up his side job of farming--he was employed fulltime with Southern Railroad.) One day, some of the family was at Edith's for a meal. I remember sitting on one of those "chair stools" at Edith's counter, and I was watching Momzi, Bett, Edith, and Mama clean up the kitchen. (This wasn't a Kay family dinner-we weren't using paper plates. We were using the glorious recent invention:Corelle dishes!) Momzi was washing the dishes, Bett was drying, and Edith and Mama were putting up the leftovers. All four women were talking at the same time-and they each knew everything the other was saying! At this particular moment, they were extolling the virtues of Corelle. Its claim to fame was that it was unbreakable. They all were chattering about how great this invention was and wondering if it was really true--that you couldn't break it. Momzi said, "Well, let's find out," and all of a sudden, her hand flew up out of the dishwater with a plate in it, and she tossed it over her shoulder-soapsuds and dishwater flying! The plate landed on the kitchen floor with a crash--and we beheld the miracle!! It wasn't even cracked! Bett and Mama just died laughing. Edith had this startled look on her face for a few seconds (can you imagine anyone slinging soapsuds and dirty dishwater on EDITH"S FLOOR?!!!--Only Momzi could have gotten away with it!). Then Edith started laughing. Momzi just had this mischievious grin on her face! I sat there grinning from ear to ear, enjoying 4 of the most wonderful women God had ever created!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww, I loved this so much! What a great story to share! :-D
