Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Hallooooween

Dear Courtney, My Sweet Girl,Today was another difficult day for me - selling the house, looking for a job, trying to figure out how to pay bills. Nina Lib told me to come over and eat left over pizza for lunch. I was glad to, since I was broke and tired of grits and eggs. You answered the door wearing one of Papa's t-shirts. You acted shy for some reason but, as always, you quickly warmed up to me and grinned your beautiful sweet smile - mischeivous flashing blue eyes full of giggles. You ate "hallow-weenies" and laughed at me spinning crazy bread on a toothpick. You wanted me to eat all of my pizza that way too. So, as usual, you and I cut up at the table - making Nina Lib tell us to behave. Then we made a game of tossing dirty napkins back and forth to each other.

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